About Us
1.) Abide by Federal, State, Local Laws and Ordinances.
2.) Promote A fraternal Spirit among All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) riders and other outdoor enthusiasts.
3.) Promote the development and enhancement of ATV Riding Trails for the Benefit of all ATV riders.
4.) Help Development of Tourism in Pennsylvania Wilds by developing programs and working with both the community and state leaders.
5.) Defend ATVers against discriminatory legislation, regulations and unfair taxation by working with legislators.
6.) Provide a medium for the Exchange of information and ideas among ATV Enthusiasts.
7.) Provide sources of ATV Training and Education for both young and old enthusiasts as well as the general public.
8.) Promote and support the preservation and protection of our natural resources through responsible ATV riding.
9.) Make donations to and support local area causes/charities as deemed appropriate.
10.) Operate as a non-profit organization with no portion of the net profits benefiting any individual member.

President: Henry Sorgen IV
Term until February 2023 (1 Year)

Vice President: Todd Peifer
Term until February 2023 (1 Year)

Treasurer: Stephanie McDermott
Term until February 2023 (1 Year)
Secretary: Jody Ritter
Term until February 2023 (1 Year)
Director I: Gary Leitzel
Term until February 2023 (1 Year)

Director II: Ben Fink
Term until February 2024 (2 Years)
Director III: Wayne Roush
Term until February 2025 (3 Years)

Director IV: Wayne Yahn
Past President’s Position
Ride Committee: Wayne Roush
Northcentral PA ATV Initiative Committee: Henry Sorgen IV
Renovo Cruise for a Cure Committee: Andy Shultz
Finance & Audit Committee: Julie Fink
Social Media Committee: John McDermott
Fundraiser Committee: Open position
Signage Committee: Gary Leitzel
Public Relations Committee: Jim Bull
Sponsorship Committee: Kevin Burguson
Grants Committee: Stephanie McDermott & Jody Ritter (Co-chairs)
Safety & Training Committee: Todd Peifer
Promotional Events Committee: Donna Peifer
Barrel Train Committee: Ben Fink
Property Committee: Kevin Burguson
Tour for Elk Committee: Wayne Roush
DCNR ATV Safety Instruction
CMATVA member Todd Peifer is certified to complete DCNR ATV training. After successfully completing the course, participants 8 – 15 years old will receive their ATV Training Certificate. The certificate will allow them to ride on lands other than their parents’/guardians’ property. Contact him directly if you have an interest in completing the course:
Todd Peifer |
570-847-4696 |
Todd@Peifersfire.com |
Central Mountains All Terrain Vehicle Association Inc. |
P. O. Box 4 |
Lock Haven, PA 17745 |